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Girl Child Empowerment India: How Far Have We Truly Reached?

"I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back." ―Malala Yousafzai
There is no denying the fact that women in India have made considerable strides in almost seven decades of Independence, but they still have to struggle against several handicaps and social evils in our male-dominated society. Many evil and masculine forces still prevail in the modern Indian society that resists the forward march of its women folk. It is ironical that a country which has recently acclaimed the status of the first Asian country to accomplish its Mars mission in the maiden attempt, is positioned at the 29th rank among 146 countries across the globe on the basis of Gender Inequality Index. There has been amelioration in the position of women, but true girl child empowerment India is still awaited.

Why is women & girl child empowerment India important?
  1. More food, better food for everyone
Half of the majority of agricultural workers in the world are female. Empowerment to grow, buy and sell the crops they want decreases malnourishment in producing countries and increases the amount of food available for export.
  1. Better lives for everyone!
When women and girl child empowerment India happens, it frees men from the pressure to be the primary wage-earner and shows little boys they can explore all aspects of who they are, without paying attention to roles that are traditionally “masculine” or “feminine.” Men will have more freedom to work part-time or take care of children, which frees them up for other, more interesting activities. What’s the advantage to this? Society loosens up, and everyone is free to be who they truly want to be. Sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it?
  1. Political empowerment – More powerful policies
When policymakers are mostly men, it seems like the needs of women (and a lot of other people) get thrown by the wayside. When women stand up in political forums, we get legislation that can save lives, protect young girls and provide access to needed healthcare. If we want our daughters to have the care they need in the future, we need more women in political power now. Empowerment for everyone!
  1. No to capitalism!
Are you a social activist? Do you hate big corporations? The social, political and financial empowerment of women would require massive shifts and changes to the status quo…the patriarchal hegemonic supremacist capitalist situation we have going on right now.
  1. Improved literature!
Two-thirds of the 774 million adult illiterates across the world are women. Imagine if the best book you’ve ever read was going to be written by a woman who hasn’t yet been taught to read? Women’s empowerment will lead to more journalism, better books and movies, and more interesting stories being told.
  1. Overturning beauty standards!
If we’re willing to empower women to accept who they are and how they look (beautiful!), men will reap the benefits and stop having to worry about their appearances and feel bad too. Throw the beauty magazines away before we all feel ugly.
  1. Let’s save our planet!
If fertility rates continue the way they are now, scientists estimate the world’s population will swell to 10 billion by 2081. That’s 10 billion people competing for food, water and other resources. One of the best ways to ensure that we live in a safe, healthy and sustainable world is to support women who want reproductive healthcare and effective contraception. Nobody wants to worry about fighting for fresh water and empowering women with voluntary family planning is a surefire route to a happier, healthier planet. 
Offering women and girl child empowerment India is one sure way of giving them much greater power -- of enabling them to make genuine choices over the kinds of lives they wish to lead. This is not a luxury, it as a basic human right.


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